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1. Candy

1. helyezett lett a kvízen!Gratulálok!

2. Lola

2. helyezett lett a kvízen!Gratulálok!

3. Zsu

3. helyezett lett a kvízen!Neki is gratulálok!


Linkek,társoldalak (csak ideglenes)





:)) :) :@ :? :(( :o :D ;) 8o 8p 8) 8| :( :'( ;D :$
Hilary rajongó vagyok!

Segíts 1 rákbeteg kislánynak!!!!

Tisztelt Címzett, Kedves Barátom, Érző Feleim!

Imola kislányunk, akit nagyon szeretünk, és bármit megteszünk a gyógyulása érdekében 6 évet töltött November 10-én, ezt a szörnyű betegséget szeptember elején fedezték fel nála és szeptember 9-tol a Marosvásárhelyi 1-es Számú gyerek Klinika Hemato-Onkológiai osztályán, kezelik. Mára már bizonyos az, hogy egyetlen esélye a túlélésre a csontvelő transzplantáció. Egyelőre a Budapesti Szent László Korházzal vettük fel a kapcsolatot, mert aránylag itt a legolcsóbb a műtét (25 millió forint). Sajnos az eredményei nem a legjobbak, visszatértek a rákos sejtek a csontvelőbe ezért kell minél hamarabb a műtét. Mára már tudjuk, hogy a kis húga nem felel meg donornak.

A jelenlegi összeg, ami a rendelkezésünkre áll az 14-15 millió forint, amit adományokból gyűjtöttünk össze, ezt cégek, magánszemélyek, szervezetek és egyházak adományozták, Alaszkától Finnországon át Ausztráliáig. Itt szeretném kiemelni 2005. Dec.20-án megszervezett Erdovidék Összefogás Napját, ami a Barót-i Művelődési házban volt megrendezve (teltházzal) és közel 1, 3 millió forint gyűlt össze és a Heves megyei Megyebált, ahol több mint 3, 5 millió forint gyűlt össze. Sajnos a vidékünk nagyon szegény ezt biztos Ön is tudja, ennél sokkal többet nem nagyon lehet remélni innen, ez így is nagyon szép. Az összeget nem tudom, hogy a műtét költségeit tartalmazza-e vagy benne van az utókezelés is, ez még nem tiszta. Magyarországon a Segítőjobb alapítvánnyal vettük fel a kapcsolatot de Ők sajnos pénz hiányában nem tudnak segíteni, a Gyermekrák alapítvány anyagilag nem tud segíteni csak gyógyszerekkel, szállítással és egyéb apróságokkal. A Magyarok Világszövetségével személyesen nem vettem fel a kapcsolatot és nem is tudok róla, hogy valaki megtette volna.

Maradok tisztelettel Bocz-Zoltán Domokos Szabolcs Ado

mányokat a baróti Kereskedelmi Bankban (BCR Agentia Baraolt) az édesapa, Bocz-Zoltán Domokos Szabolcs nevére megnyított célirányos bankszámlákra lehet elküldeni: RO41RNCB0125009050140001 - ROL, RO14RNCB0125009050140002 - EURO, RO57RNCB0125009050140004 - USD, vagy RO30RNCB0125009050140005 - HUF. További információkért hívják az édesapát, Bocz-Zoltán Szabolcsot ( 0040 727-879211, 00 40 722-643035, e-mail:

Fényképeket Imoláról a http://www.hte.ro/imola honlapról lehet még letölteni.

Fontos, hogy a magyarországiak tudják! Közvetlen pénzbefizetéssel nem tudtam sem a postán, sem a bankban pénzt a romániai számlaszámokra feladni! Ehhez az adakozónak saját magyarországi számlaszámmal kell rendelkeznie. Ez lehet devizaszámla, de a közönséges "lakossági folyószámla" is, ami sokunknak van, de gondolom bármilyen más bankszámla is. Igy forint is küldhető, természetesen forint csak a forintot fogadó, megadott romániai számlaszámra (RO30RNCB0125009050140005 -HUF). Ezen keresztül sikerült !!!! Megérkezési idő 2-3 nap (arra számítani kell sajnos, hogy minimum 2000 Ft. átutalási díjat is kell fizetni)

Ha az országban akad 1000 segíteni tudó és akaró ember, aki ad 5000 forintot (nincs egy tankolás ára !), az már 5 000 000 FT !!!

Szeleczky Zoltán

Most tudtam meg, hogy Imola megsegítésére már van magyarországi bankszámlaszám is, ahova akár a postán is a szokásos pénzesutalvánnyal be lehet fizetni az adományt. Így nem kell a sok átutalási díjat megfizetni, azonkívül az alapítvány adóigazolást is ad (ehhez fontos, hogy a utalványon tüntessétek fel az adóazonosító számotokat !!), és a befizetett összeg az a jövő évi adó megállapításánál elszámolható ! Az adományokat gyűjtő Veszprém Megyei Gyermek és Ifjúsági Közalapítvány számlaszáma: Kereskedelmi és Hitelbank Rt. SZÁMLASZÁM: 10404041 - 40410458 Az utalványra írjátok rá "IMOLA", így a befizetett összeg erre a célra fordítódik A dévai Böjte Csaba Magyarországon bejelentett alapítványa (Szent Ferenc Alapítvány) is kész fogadni célzottan Imolának felajánlott adományokat !! (l. melléklet) Számlaszámuk: 14300002-201456339-00003285 A megjegyzés rovatban fel kell tüntetni a kislány nevét: Bocz Imola Adóigazolást szintén adnak, ha az adóazonosító számot ráírjátok. A Gyermekrák Alapítvány szintén kész fogadni majd az Imolának szánt adományokat, de ez időbe telik, amig elintéződik (lásd a mellékletet) (Ha valaki - joggal - bizalmatlan az ilyen adománygyűjtéssel kapcsolatban, a Google vagy Yahoo keresőn írja be a "bocz-zoltán" címszavat, és nézze végig a megjelenő honlapokat !!!) Ami nagyon fontos ------kérlek, add tovább a segélykérést - Sz. Z.

Most Wanted

Wake Up

There's people talking
They talk about me
They know my name
They think they know everything
But they don't know anything
About me

Give me a dance floor
Give me a dj
Play me a record
Forget what they say
Cause I need to go
Need to getaway tonight

I put my makeup on a saturday night
I try and make it happen
Try to make it all right
I know I make mistakes
I'm living life day to day
It's never really easy but it's ok

Wake Up Wake Up
On a saturday night
Could be New York
Maybe Hollywood and Vine
London, Paris maybe Tokyo
There's something going on anywhere I go
Yeah, tonight

The cities restless
It's all around me
People in motion
Sick of all the same routines
And they need to go
They need to get away

I put my makeup on a saturday night
I try and make it happen
Try to make it all right
I know I make mistakes
I'm living life day to day
It's never really easy but it's ok

Wake Up Wake Up
On a saturday night
Could be New York
Maybe Hollywood and Vine
London, Paris maybe Tokyo
There's something going on anywhere I go
Yeah, tonight

People all around you
Everywhere that you go
People all around you
They don't really know you
Everybody watching like it's some kind of show
Everybody's watching
They don't really know you now
(They don't really know you)
(They don't really know you)
And forever

Wake Up Wake Up
(Wake Up Wake Up)
Wake Up Wake Up
(Wake Up Wake Up)

Wake Up Wake Up
On a saturday night
Could be New York
Maybe Hollywood and Vine
London, Paris maybe Tokyo
There's something going on anywhere I go

Wake Up Wake Up
On a saturday night
Could be New York
Maybe Hollywood and Vine
London, Paris maybe Tokyo
There's something going on anywhere
I go
Yeah, tonight



"The Getaway"

Here I am again
Talking to myself
Sitting at a red light
Both hands on the wheel
How am I supposed to feel?
So much running through my mind
First you wanna be free
Now you say you need me
Giving mixed signals and signs
It's so hard to let you in
Thinking you might slam the brakes again

Put the pedal down
Heading out of town
Gotta make a getaway
The traffic in my brain's
Driving me insane
This is more than I can take
You tell me that you love me first
Then throw your heart into reverse
I gotta get away

I can't keep coming back to you
Every time you're in the mood
To whisper something sweet in my ear
It's so hard to move on
Cause every time I think you're gone
You show up in my rearview mirror

Is this just a detour?
Cause I gotta be sure
That you really mean what you say
It's so hard to let you in
Thinking you might slam the brakes again

Put the pedal down
Heading out of town
Gotta make a getaway
The traffic in my brain's
Driving me insane
This is more than I can take
You tell me that you love me first
Then throw your heart into reverse
I gotta get away
To a place where I can be redefined
Where you're out of sight
And you're out of mind
But the truth is I can't even say goodbye

Here I am again
Talking to myself
Sitting at a red light
Both hands on the wheel
How am I supposed to feel?
So much running through my mind

Put the pedal down
Heading out of town
Gotta make a getaway (a getaway)
The traffic in my brain's
Driving me insane
This is more than I can take (I can take)
You tell me that you love me first
Then throw your heart into reverse
I gotta get away


Beat Of My Heart

To the beat of my,
To the beat of my ,
To the beat of my heart

I'm thinking about,
Letting it out,
I wanna give in,
I wanna go out,
been looking around,
I finally found,
The rhythm of love,
The feeling of sound,
It's making a change,
The feeling is strange,
Its coming right back,
right back in my range,
Not worried about,
anything else,
I'm waking up,

To the beat of my,
To the beat of my,
To the beat of my heart,
The beat of my heart,
The beat of my heart,
The beat of my heart,
It tears us apart,
The beat of my heart,
The beat of my heart,
The beat of my heart,
Now I'm back to the start,
To the beat of my,
To the beat of my,
To the beat of my heart,

I'm up from my down,
I turn it around,
I'm making it back,
I'm not gonna drown,
I'm taking a stance,
I won't miss a chance,
I want you to see,
I'm not scared to dance,
The way that you feel,
Could never be real,
I want you know I finished the DEAL,
So I'm saying to you,
I'll always be true,
To the rhythm inside,

To the beat of my,
To the beat of my,
To the beat of my heart,
The beat of my heart,
The beat of my heart,
The beat of my heart,
It tears us apart,
The beat of my heart,
The beat of my heart,
The beat of my heart,
Now I'm back to the start,
To the beat of my,
To the beat of my,
To the beat of my heart,
Away, away
Away,away 4x
To the beat of my,
To the beat of my heart,

To the beat of my,
To the beat of my heart,
The beat of my heart,
The beat of my heart,
The beat of my heart,
It tears us apart,
The beat of my heart,
The beat of my heart,
The beat of my heart,
Now I'm back to the start,

The beat of my heart,
The beat of my heart,
The beat of my heart,
It tears us apart,
The beat of my heart,
The beat of my heart,
The beat of my heart,
Now I'm back to the start,
To the beat of my,
To the beat of my,
To the beat of my heart,
to the beat of my,
to the beat of my heart,

to the beat of my,
to the beat of my heart


"Come Clean"

Let's go back
Back to the beginning
Back to when the earth, the sun, the stars all aligned

'Cause perfect didn't feel so perfect
Trying to fit a square into a circle
Was no life
I defy

Let the rain fall down
And wake my dreams
Let it wash away
My sanity
'Cause I wanna feel the thunder
I wanna scream
Let the rain fall down
I'm coming clean, I'm coming clean

I'm shedding
Shedding every color
Trying to find a pigment of truth
Beneath my skin

'Cause different
Doesn't feel so different
And going out is better
Then always staying in
Feel the wind


I'm coming clean
Let the rain fall
Let the rain fall
I'm coming...

[Chorus x2]

Let's go back
Back to the beginning


Who's That Girl


There were places we would go at midnight
There were secrets that nobody else would know
There's a reason but I don't know why
I don't know why
I don't know why
I thought they all belonged to me

Who's that girl
Where's she from
No she can't be the one
That you want
That has stolen my world
It's not real, it's not right
It's my day, it's my night
By the way
Who's that girl living my life
Oh no, living my life
Seems like everything's the same around me
When I look again and everything has changed
I'm not dreaming so I don't know why
I don't know why
I don't know why
She's everywhere I wanna be
Who's that girl
Where's she from
No she can't be the one
That you want
That has stolen my world
It's not real, it's not right
It's my day, it's my night
By the way
Who's that girl living my life

I'm the one who made you laugh
Who made you feel
Who made you sad
I'm not sorry
But what we did
And who we were
I'm not sorry
I'm not her

Who's that girl
Where's she from
No she can't be the one
That you want
That has stolen my world
It's not real, it's not right
It's my day, it's my night
By the way
Who's that girl living my life
Oh no, living my life
"So Yesterday"

You can change your life - if you wanna
You can change your clothes - if you wanna
If you change your mind
Well, that's the way it goes

But I'm gonna keep your jeans
And your old black hat - cause I wanna
They look good on me
You're never gonna get them back

At least not today, not today, not today

If it's over, let it go and
Come tomorrow it will seem
So yesterday, so yesterday
I'm just a bird that's already flown away

Laugh it off let it go and
When you wake up it will seem
So yesterday, so yesterday
Haven't you heard that I'm gonna be okay

You can say you're bored - if you wanna
You can act real tough - if you wanna
You can say you're torn
But I've heard enough

Thank you... you made my mind up for me
When you started to ignore me
Do you see a single tear
It isn't gonna happen here
At least not today, not today, not today


If you're over me, I'm already over you
If it's all been done, what is left to do
How can you hang up if the line is dead
If you wanna walk, I'm a step ahead
If you're moving on, I'm already gone
If the light is off then it isn't on
At least not today, not today, not today

[Chorus 2X]



I've been so wrapped up in my warm cocoon
But something's happening, things are changing soon
I'm pushing the edge, I'm feeling it crack
And once I get out, there's no turning back

Watching the butterfly go towards the sun
I wonder what I will become

Whatever this is
Whatever I'm going through
Come on and give me a kiss
Come on, I insist
I'll be something new
A metamorphosis

Things are different now when I walk by
You start to sweat and you don't know why
It gets me nervous but it makes me calm
To see life all around me moving on

Watching the butterfly go towards the sun
I wonder what I will become


Every day is a transformation
Every day is a new sensation
Alteration, modification
An incarnation, celebration
Every day is a new equation
Every day is a revelation
Information, Anticipation
Onto another destination

"Rock This World"

Everybody wants somethin
That seems to hard to get
So i sit here on a street in Venice
Waitin for the sun to set
Watching people live their lives
Wonderin what it means
Sometimes getting what you want
Is easier than it seems
I dont want to save the day
I just want to get my way

And rock this world
Read my lips and watch 'em curl
Rock this world
It dont take much to please this girl
I don't need the glitter
Dont believe the hype
You might say im the simple type
Just like any other girl
Who wants to rock this world

Everybody's goin somewhere
So why not you and I?
We're all part of the same parade
Just people passin' by
And anything can happen
When the sun goes down like this
Maybe its just a miracle
When you find some happiness
I dont want to save the day
I just want to get my way

[Repeat Chorus]

People, can you hear me?
I want you to come near me
Can you feel the pull?
It can be so beautiful

[Repeat Chorus]
"Break My Heart"

Someone always gets their hearts stomped to the ground
This is what I see every time I look around
I never thought that this would happen to me
I never thought I'd end up this way

And now that you're through with me
Don't know what to do with me
I guess I'm my own again
Like I'm some kind of enemy
Never a friend to me
Remember when you used to say
Things will always be this way

Why don't you, break my heart
Watch me fall apart you see
I'm falling apart, look what you're doing to me

Now I'm trying to get my heart up off the ground
My confidence is gone
Happiness can not be found
So look what you did to me
You got the best of me
And now I'm stuck with all the rest
It will never be the same

Why don't you, break my heart
Watch me fall apart you see
I'm falling apart, look what you're doing to me

Break my heart
Watch me fall apart you see
I'm falling apart, look what you're doing to me

All I ever wanted
Has left me standing here alone
It started with you and ended with me

All I ever needed
I had it with you in my arms
It started with you and ended with me

Break my heart
Watch me fall apart you see
I'm falling apart, look what you're doing to me

Why don't you, break my heart
Watch me fall apart you see
I'm falling apart, look what you're doing to me

Why don't you, break my heart
Watch me fall apart you see
I'm falling apart, look what you're doing to me

Why don't you, break my heart
Break my heart
Break my heart
Break my heart
Break my heart
Break my heart
Break my heart


Hop on a fast train out of town
Downside up and Upside down
Going fast is going slow
What could have been we'll never know
In this place that has no name
I can't remember why I came
Then I hear you whisper low
One more mile to Jericho
Nothing is ever what it seems
When you live inside your dreams

The walls will tumble
the walls will tumble
But Im not gonna cry
My heart wont crumble
My heart wont crumble
If we ever say goodbye

Everybody gets the joke
Where's the fire?
Where's the smoke?
Money, love and jealousy
Something's got a hold on me
But I will follow where you go
One more mile to Jericho

[Repeat Chorus]

One more mile
One more kiss
One more word
One more wish
And love will save us
This I know
From this place called Jericho

[Repeat Chorus]


Any moment, everything can change,
Feel the wind on your shoulder,
For a minute, all the world can wait,
Let go of your yesterday.

Can you hear it calling?
Can you feel it in your soul?
Can you trust this longing?
And take control,

Open up the part of you that wants to hide away
You can shine,
Forget about the reasons why you can't in life,
And start to try, cause it's your time,
Time to fly.

All your worries, leave them somewhere else,
Find a dream you can follow,
Reach for something, when there's nothing left,
And the world's feeling hollow.

Can you hear it calling?
Can you feel it in your soul?
Can you trust this longing?
And take control,

Open up the part of you that wants to hide away
You can shine,
Forget about the reasons why you can't in life,
And start to try, cause it's your time,
Time to fly.

And when you're down and feel alone,
Just want to run away,
Trust yourself and don't give up,
You know you better than anyone else,

Any moment, everything can change,
Feel the wind on your shoulder,
For a minute, all the world can wait,
Let go of yesterday,

Open up the part of you that wants to hide away
You can shine,
Forget about the reasons why you can't in life,
And start to try,
Forget about the reasons why you can't in life,
And start to try, cause it's your time,
Time to fly.

In a moment, everything can change.
The Girl Can Rock

Ready for the big time, ready for the small
Whatever's comin' to me, I'll be ready for it all
Sometimes it ain't easy, sometimes its not polite
Somedays I don't get it, somedays I get it right

It's in my heart, it's in my head
Thats what i said

Hey Boys are you ready for the shock
I'm livin proof, the girl can rock
Spread the news around every single block
Hey boys, the girl can rock

Standin' in the spotlight workin' up a sweat
Givin' all i got and lovin' what i get
I can't hold back what i feel inside
and if i make you nervous, you better step aside

It's in my heart, it's in my head
Thats what i said

Hey Boys are you ready for the shock
I'm livin proof, the girl can rock
Spread the news around every single block
Hey boys, the girl can rock

The girl can rock
Don't say maybe or call me 'baby'
I ain't crazaaay...at all!

It's in my heart, it's in my head
Thats what i said

Hey Boys are you ready for the shock
I'm livin proof, the girl can rock
Spread the news around every single block
Hey boys, the girl can rock

Hey Boys are you ready for the shock
I'm livin proof, the girl can rock
Spread the news around every single block
Hey boys, the girl can rock

I'm gonna live it up
I'll never give it up
I'm gonna spread the news around the block
It ain't no shock...the girl can rock
the girl can rock ,the girl can rock

Yeah, Rock!

Our lips are sealed
Can you hear them?
They talk about us
Telling lies
Well, that's no surprise
Can you see them?
See right through them?
They have no shield
No secrets to reveal

It doesn't matter what they say
In the jealous games people play
Hey, hey, hey

Our lips are sealed

There's a weapon
Which we must use
In our defense:
Spreading rumors
So far from true
Dragged up from the underworld
Just like some precious pearl

It doesn't matter what they say
In the jealous games people play
Hey, hey, hey

Our lips are sealed

Pay no mind to what they say
It doesn't matter anyway
Hey, hey, hey

Our lips are sealed

Hush, my darling
Don't you cry
Cryin' angel
Forget their lies

Can you hear them?
They talk about us
Telling lies
Well, that's no surprise
Can you see them?
See right through them?
They have no shield
No secrets to reveal

It doesn't matter what they say
In the jealous games people play
Hey, hey, hey

Our lips are sealed

Pay no mind to what they say
It doesn't matter anyway
Hey, hey, hey

Our lips are sealed
Our lips are sealed
Our lips are sealed




4/21/06: Dublin, Areland - The Point
4/23/06: Glasgow, UK - Armadillo
4/25/06: Manchester, UK - MEN
4/26/06: Brighton, UK - Brighton Centre
4/27/06: London, UK - Hammersmith Apollo
4/28/06: Birmingham, UK - NIA Academy
4/30/06: Amsterdamn, Netherlands - Heinken Music Hall
5/2/06: Paris, France - Le Grand Rex
5/5/06: Barcelona, Spain - Pavelo Olimpic De Badalona
5/6/06: Mardrid, Spain - Cubierta De Leganes
5/7/06: Valencia, Spain - TBD
5/9/06: Milan, Italy - Alcatraz


Köszi hogy itt voltál!

Hilary magyar nyelvű csatornákban


Los Angeles-i

március 19. Vasárnap, 21:00
22. Szerda, 21:00
március 25. Szombat,

március 26. Vasárnap, 04:50



A Múzsa, egy gruppi élményei a színfalak mögött :)    *****    Madarak és fák napjára új mesével vár a Mesetár! Nézz be hozzánk!    *****    Rosta Iván diplomás asztrológus vagyok! Szívesen elkészítem a horoszkópodat, fordúlj hozzám bizalommal. Várom a hívásod!    *****    Dryvit, hõszigetelés! Vállaljuk családi házak, lakások, egyéb épületek szigetelését kedvezõ áron! Hívjon! 0630/583-3168    *****    Ha te is könyvkiadásban gondolkodsz, ajánlom figyelmedbe az postomat, amiben minden összegyûjtött információt megírtam.    *****    Nyereményjáték! Nyerd meg az éjszakai arckrémet! További információkért és játék szabályért kattints! Nyereményjáték!    *****    A legfrissebb hírek Super Mario világából, plusz információk, tippek-trükkök, végigjátszások!    *****    Ha hagyod, hogy magával ragadjon a Mario Golf miliõje, akkor egy egyedi és életre szóló játékélménnyel leszel gazdagabb!    *****    A horoszkóp a lélek tükre, nagyon fontos idõnként megtudni, mit rejteget. Keress meg és nézzünk bele együtt. Várlak!    *****    Dryvit, hõszigetelés! Vállaljuk családi házak, lakások, nyaralók és egyéb épületek homlokzati szigetelését!    *****    rose-harbor.hungarianforum.com - rose-harbor.hungarianforum.com - rose-harbor.hungarianforum.com    *****    Vérfarkasok, boszorkányok, alakváltók, démonok, bukott angyalok és emberek. A világ oly' színes, de vajon békés is?    *****    Az emberek vakok, kiváltképp akkor, ha olyasmivel találkoznak, amit kényelmesebb nem észrevenni... - HUNGARIANFORUM    *****    Valahol Delaware államban létezik egy város, ahol a természetfeletti lények otthonra lelhetnek... Közéjük tartozol?    *****    Minden mágia megköveteli a maga árát... Ez az ár pedig néha túlságosan is nagy, hogy megfizessük - FRPG    *****    Why do all the monsters come out at night? - FRPG - Why do all the monsters come out at night? - FRPG - Aktív közösség    *****    Az oldal egy évvel ezelõtt költözött új otthonába, azóta pedig az élet csak pörög és pörög! - AKTÍV FÓRUMOS SZEREPJÁTÉK    *****    Vajon milyen lehet egy rejtélyekkel teli kisváros polgármesterének lenni? És mi történik, ha a bizalmasod árul el?    *****    A szörnyek miért csak éjjel bújnak elõ? Az ártatlan külsõ mögött is lapulhat valami rémes? - fórumos szerepjáték    *****    Ünnepeld a magyar költészet napját a Mesetárban! Boldog születésnapot, magyar vers!